Navigating Tax Court for Non-Lawyers 2024

The final step in a tax controversy is Tax Court. Over 70% of all Tax Court cases are filed by taxpayers representing themselves. Most of these "pr...

7/31/2024 12:00pm - 2:00pm  |  Online  |  CalCPA

Members: $89.00, Non-members: $119.00

CPE Categories: Taxation (2 CPE)

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The final step in a tax controversy is Tax Court. Over 70% of all Tax Court cases are filed by taxpayers representing themselves. Most of these "pro se" taxpayers have a non-lawyer assisting them. There can be significant advantages to filing a Tax Court case to resolve a dispute. This class will explore these strategic uses of the Tax Court process and provide a basic understanding of navigating your client through the case.

Target Audience

CPAs, attorneys and enrolled agents.

Course Objectives

  • Recognize when opportunities exist to seek Tax Court review
  • Identify when using the Tax Court process can be a strategic benefit
  • Determine how to guide the Tax Court case through the process without needing an attorney


  • Determining when filing a Tax Court case can be a strategic benefit
  • Learn how to file the case
  • Understand the steps and deadlines in the Tax Court process
  • Review the settlement process
  • Know when the case gets to the point where you need help