Companies work hard to understand their client base. They focus on what products their clients will want to buy or services they want to pay for, b...
4/8/2025 12:00pm - 2:00pm | Online | CalCPA
Members: $89.00, Non-members: $119.00
CPE Categories: Personal Development (limited to 30%) (2 CPE)
Companies work hard to understand their client base. They focus on what products their clients will want to buy or services they want to pay for, but how often do they think about the differences in the people who comprise their workforce? Do we consider who our potential coworkers will be when interviewing for a new position? Do we think about what motivates the people who will ultimately produce the goods or services we provide? Today, the workforce includes people from four different generations. Sometimes the differences are points of contention creating roadblocks to success, while other times the differences make for great teamwork. Understanding what makes the different generations “tick” will help in everything from landing a job in a multi-generationally diverse company to creating a culture where employees thrive to produce the best possible products or provide superior services. This course will highlight the differences between the generations. It will cover what is important to each generation with respect to success in the workplace. It will illustrate how companies and managers can use this knowledge to create a workplace culture of cohesiveness. This course is beneficial for both people managers and those just trying to get a leg up in the workplace.
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