Effective teamwork pays its own way by creating greater productivity and profitability in any accounting organization. A team of people working coo...
4/10/2025 12:00pm - 2:00pm | Online | Surgent
CPE Categories: Management of a Practice (1 CPE), Personal Development (limited to 30%) (1 CPE)
Effective teamwork pays its own way by creating greater productivity and profitability in any accounting organization. A team of people working cooperatively can produce more than the sum of individual members working alone. One good idea stimulates another — but only if the team members are engaged and motivated to do so. Teamwork is inhibited in today's high-stress and changing accounting regulatory environment. Integrated into this informative yet pragmatic seminar are tried-and-true motivational principles for the realities of today's changing accounting workplace. It's not easy, but it can be done. You will learn how to form, motivate, steer, and get greater results from all team members by understanding what makes them tick and strategizing approaches to engage all team members.
All finance professionals
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