December 15, 2022
A KSCPA Ignite Blog by:
Joe Ronnebaum, CPA, Tax Partner, PwC and KSCPA Board Chair
As I sit here reflecting on the 2022 year that is coming to a close, the first thing that pops into my head is, what does the future hold? While that is a common question we all ask on a daily basis, as so many things have changed over the past couple of years, it really feels like we are at a crossroads in our profession. We have gone through major U.S. tax reform, a global pandemic that has completely changed how many of us work, and on a KSPCA level, a new CEO, just to name a few. As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Change is the only constant in life. One’s ability to adapt to those changes will determine your success in life.” As I think about those sentences, what better way can I begin my year as the 90th Chair of the KSCPA?
During the KSCPA Member Value Day in November, common themes I heard were balancing in office versus remote working, recruiting and retaining our workforce, and meeting ever-changing deadlines and demands. Whether we work in public practice, private industry, as a sole proprietor, or as a member of a large firm, each and every one of these themes seem to hold true. As we all left Member Value Day with more questions than we had answers, the future did seem pretty uncertain.
As we enter into 2023, what can we do now? The answer would seem fairly simple. We need to find an ability to adapt to the changes. Easier said than done, right? If we really think about it, the secret to success could be to plan a little more, don’t bite off more than we can chew, and simply ask for help. While the challenges raised by my fellow CPAs are all too real, the KSCPA is here to help with these uncertainties and many more.
As we continue our journey into the future, one thing I would ask is to please do not go it alone. There are a lot of amazing professionals ready and eager to help you. I am very honored to have the opportunity to be your President for the next year. On behalf of the KSCPA leadership team and your KSCPA Board of Directors, I look forward to working with you to enhance value through a sustainable organization.
The Ignite blog is an official publication of the Kansas Society of CPAs, Copyright 2022.
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